The Most Popular Smartphones Operating System

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The Most Popular Smartphones Operating System

So, There is a research from Firm Kantar that says Android is the most popular smartphone operating system in the US, powering just much half (51.7%) of phones traded in February, March, and April of 2013.
Apple's iOS controlling system for iPhones accounted for 41.4% of smartphones sold during that period, according to the content. Microsoft's Windows Phone 8 operating system controlled a jump in the last year and made up 5.6% of smartphones sold.

But as Windows Phone has grown, BlackBerry's share of sales have dropped year over year. Its operating system only accounted for 0.7% of phones sold during the period, Kantar says. BlackBerry released its latest phone, the Z10, in March.
Here are the graphs from Kantar that break down the data:

The Most Popular Smartphones Operating System

android platform distribution :
The Most Popular Smartphones Operating System

The Most Popular Smartphones Operating System The Most Popular Smartphones Operating System Reviewed by Unknown on 7:37 PM Rating: 5

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